Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On Hold

I had a copy of Raising Your Spirited Child on hold at the library. I didn't pick it up in time, so I guess I'll have to put a hold on it again.

Darn. I really have a feeling it could come in handy.

I mean REALLY.

Especially these last few days.


  1. Haven't gotten all the way through it but LOVE it! If you have a nook account, you can download the first 30something pages for free...

  2. If you live near any goodwills, check them for the book. I have seen it several times at our big Goodwill in Seattle. Would send you mine but, well, we kinda need it :)

  3. I have heard so many people talking about this book. I'll have to check it out.

  4. I'm thinking of ordering it online, like on Amazon or something. I can never get to the library in time to get a book I put on hold, and then I can never get it back by the time it's due! Lol.

  5. Is this a birthday present idea, or do you want something more "fun" for that?


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