Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday Surf: 01/08

Sunday Surf with Authentic Parenting and Hobo MamaI'm joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!
For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.
Happy Surfing!

Slowly but surely I've been getting back in to reading online and this week I've read some good things.

  • The 5 Building Blocks to Raising Resilient Children -- "We often think our job is to protect our children from tough situations, but in fact, our protection is only protecting us. We don't want to deal with their anger, sadness, and fear. In many cases, we were not allowed these feelings as children so we don't know how to manage our children's feelings. It's easier if they don't have them. When we overly protect our children and try to make them happy, we inadvertently reduce their ability to cope with life's inevitable frustrations and situations beyond their control."
  • 25 Rules for Mothers of Sons -- This post, and its counterpart for Fathers of Daughters, has been pinned and repinned on Pinterest. I don't necessarily like how they are targeted towards sons or daughters as I think these are good "rules" for all.
  • 10 Commitments That Will Make You a Better Parent -- LOVE this post! "Being a parent is tough.  Most of us feel like we could do a better job, but resolving to be more patient rarely works.  That's because sometimes the first step to being a better parent is actually about how we treat ourselves.  We can only give what we have inside. "
Food & Diet

Mental Health
    • The Fight Goes On -- One of the most honest posts about depression I have ever read. (warning: could be triggering for some)

    Happy reading :)


    Thank you for taking the time to comment! I love to hear from you.