Sunday, March 6, 2011

March of Kindness: Week One Round-Up

March of Kindness
***I meant to post this yesterday, but oops! I thought it would be nice to do weekly round-ups on Saturdays, but this one will have to be a day late!***

As I posted earlier, I decided to join in the March of Kindness hosted by Dionna at Code Name: Mama. This is a round-up of week one. It's been a somewhat slow start to our month of kindness, but I'm trying to keep in mind that the acts we commit don't have to be great or earth-shattering (trust me, they won't be!), but rather small acts that show others that we care.

This week I was kind to my husband. I told Glenn to go into the bedroom and eat his lunch and relax when he got home from work. Doesn't sound too big, right? But, the fact of the matter was that it was an extremely hectic morning here and I really wanted to close myself in the bedroom for some peace and quiet when he got home. He's had a really rough week at work though, and I knew he needed it more than I did. This week I was kind to myself. As the kids napped and Glenn watched some television, I snuck out for a solo trip to the library. It was nice and I'm really excited to start reading the copy of Naomi Aldort's Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves that I picked up. This week I was kind to my father. To say we have a strained relationship would be putting it mildly and things have been especially difficult as I work through some things with my counselor, but I called and had a good ol' chat with him on his birthday. This week I was kind to my sister. She broke her foot and can't drive, so Glenn picked her up after work on Saturday and brought her to our house to visit. We went shopping, had a girls date with Beanie, and cooked her dinner.

So far, so good for our March of Kindness. What random acts of kindness have you performed lately?


  1. I really love this idea! I wish I had time to join in every awesome project I see, lol. I look forward to being inspired through YOUR posts, though, and will be looking for new ways to show kindness in my life too! =)

  2. Love this wrap-up post, I've been meaning to do something similar, but my house has been CRAZY this past week!

  3. p.s. for Branson - the beautiful thing about RAOK is that they don't need any extra time - it can be holding a door open, picking up trash on the sidewalk, any little kindness! And weekly wrap-up posts are only for the REALLY dedicated - which does not include (cough cough) me ;)

  4. Thank you for being kind to me! I've missed seeing you guys and it was great not only to be together, but to get out of the house for something other than work lol! And I'm so happy to hear that you're taking time to be kind to yourself and to your hubby! :)

  5. Nice to find another MOK. This is a nice wrap up of your first week. Isn't it great to find acts of kindness both large and small? I'm finding it so rewarding. I look forward to reading more about your month of experience.

    Happy MOKing!


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