Monday, February 28, 2011

Joining in the March of Kindness

March of Kindness
The other day on Facebook I saw that Dionna at Code Name: Mama was posting about random acts of kindness. She's turned it into an event for the month of March and I am excited to participate. Ever since we passed out the compassion kits over the holidays I've been wanting to incorporate more acts of kindness and giving with Beanie. This will be a great activity for both of us.

The idea is to commit one random act of kindness every day throughout the month of March. It doesn't have to be anything big, just a small act to show kindness and generosity. I'm hoping that Beanie and I can talk about it and that she will come up with some ideas on her own. I'm not going to write a post about every single day, but I will update as the month progresses and recap at the end of March.

Want to join in? Make sure and click through the button and participate in the March of Kindness.


  1. Sparky's kind thing of the day was to go to sleep for the night at 3:20pm! She gave me the gift of an afternoon and evening with just Spunky. Nothing I'd ever ask for, but also something I appreciate.

  2. I'm so glad you are joining us, and I can't wait to read about your experiences :)


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