Monday, November 1, 2010

Here We Go Again: NaBloPoMo 2010

It's November 1st which means I'm jumping right into National Blog Posting Month. For as long as I can remember writing has been an outlet for me, so even though I have about zero spare time I'm going to post every day this month. It seems that every now and again I get into this thinking that I have to have something really important to say when I sit down and blog. I've felt that way a lot recently, especially after basically quitting writing for I like writing research based posts. I like providing (hopefully useful) information to others. But, I also like writing about the craziness that happens every day when you are a mom of two. I feel like I've gotten away from that a little bit, especially when I go through and read my NaBloPoMo posts from last year. I mean, being a mom of a three year old there is no shortage of silly & crazy things I could write about. I don't always have to have something important and meaningful to say. The daily grind is important and meaningful enough!

Of course, as a mom, the highlight of the last few days has been Halloween. Or, as my sister more accurately called it, Halloweekend. Because, man oh man, we had a ton of stuff going on. There were three events to go to, family in town, pictures on no less than four cameras, the Not Its! (who Beanie seemed to dig even though she was very tired and who mama thought were much more tolerable than a lot of other kid's music), and waaaay too much candy (really, what are we going to do with all of it?).

I promise a picture (or a few) sometime soon. Sometime after I upload pictures from all four cameras. What the heck? How did that even happen?

My sis gave me a really hard time because I don't dress up for Halloween. You know, you see those families that have themed costumes. That would never be us. Like never in a million years. Glenn isn't really into Halloween AT ALL; I'm just not really that into dressing up anymore. Anyhoo, Sissy got me (and herself) some cat ears and a tail. I guess I could handle that. Before we head out for trick or treating my sis told Beanie she needed to go to the bathroom. And Beanie yelled, "No! Kitties go poop outside!"

See, I told you there was no shortage of silliness in our house.

And, for the record, the crazy cat lady's cats pooped in our back yard which is why Beanie thinks cats must poop outside instead of in, um, a litter box.

But Halloween Halloweekend was fun. We had some good family time. I even got to get away (with the Bubby) for an hour or so with a friend for a chat. I was so proud of Beanie as she said "thank you," each time she received some candy. It was good, albeit tiring, weekend.

What did you do for Halloween?

***If you're here from NaBloPoMo, post up a comment & let me know. I'd love to find some new favorite blogs to read.***


  1. Wow, you guys were so busy! We are super lame. I'm totally lame and hate Halloween. I've never liked it (maybe the people jumping out and scaring you? masks? spiders and guts?) Apparently Scotty is just like his mom. We headed out to my dad's and he hated having costume on, was SO embarrassed! He passed on trick or treating, but enjoyed answering the door to trick or treaters...until a kid in a mask showed up, then he didn't want to do it anymore! In theory next year will be better when the hubby takes him out!

    Am looking forward to hearing more from you this month! I need to do something like this as well, but I run out of things to blog about (and time too!).

  2. It was HalloweeK for us! Life with kids is so different. You're never in a shortage of things to do, that's for sure!

  3. I have zero interest in Halloween! I hate it when people say something about the fact that I don't dress up. I can barely pull a costume together for my kid! LOL.

  4. You know you had fun with those kitty ears! >(^..^)<

  5. I love dressing up, and I have some fabulous costumes. I almost never dress up for Halloween though.

  6. Yay, I'm not the only person who doesn't like to dress up for Halloween! Stopping by from NaBloPoMo to look at your blog... I think I'll be sticking around assuming I can figure out the best way to follow you!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I love to hear from you.