Monday, June 15, 2009

Transitioning ME to independent sleep

That's right, I said me not Beanie. Everyone always talks about transitioning your child to independent sleeping, but I've come to the realization that its just as hard (maybe harder) for the parent. In our case I'm absolutely certain it is harder for me than for Beanie.

One night last week I was going to sleep in the master with Glenn. I laid there. Couldn't sleep. My mind was racing. After Glenn fell asleep I broke down and went into Beanie's room and laid with her. So, the plan of attack was to try on Glenn's night off because my other worry was that she would wake a lot and he wouldn't get any sleep before work. That would've meant Saturday was the night. Well, turns out Saturday is my night to get a good night's sleep because I have to work on Sundays. So, yea, my totally anxious behind went and slept with Beanie. Then there was last night. Beanie took a super long (and late) nap for Glenn while I was at work and she didn't fall asleep until about 10pm. I fell asleep lying down with her. (And, sidenote here, but why is it that when Beanie goes to sleep at 8pm she sleeps until 7am, but when she goes to bed at 10pm she's up at 6???)

So, that brings us to tonight. I know I just need to bite the bullet and sleep in the master. But its hard. I've slept with Beanie every night since she was born. And, while I'm ready to move on from the cosleeping, I've enjoyed sleep sharing with her and am sort of sad to see it go too.

I am convinced she is more ready for this transition than I am. Who knows, maybe I'll be happily surprised and she'll sleep like a gem tonight. I know I won't, but, hey, no one said this whole parenting thing was easy, right?


  1. We go back and forth. Some nights we are determined to transition Brandon on his own bed and other nights I really like the cuddling.

    I hope you find a resolution.

  2. Ryleigh is now sleeping in her bed, we've slept together over four years. Its been easier for her by far. Last night I was up until after 4 am, I just don't sleep well without her. Its strange how that happens, but as soon as she has a night were she wants to sleep with me I'm out and sleep GREAT! Who knows when I will finally make the transition. Good luck, your not alone!

  3. Good to know I'm not completely abnormal for being unable to sleep without her. I swear I just stare at the ceiling and my mind is racing! We'll see how tonight goes. I am determined to at least start out the night sleeping (or lying awake as the case may be) in the master.

  4. Looking forward to hearing how the night went...


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