Sunday, June 20, 2010

Elimination Diet: Day 8

It's not that I forgot to eat yesterday, but with Beanie's birthday party and all it was kind of a weird day.

We went to Metropolitan Market yesterday morning because I figured if there was any chance of finding a gluten free, vegan slice of cake or something similar we would probably find it there. No such luck. I sort of figured. I was bummed to go without cake at Beanie's birthday party, but oh well. I did grab another pint of the Luna & Larry's coconut milk ice cream. I got the Mint Galactica flavor and even Glenn, who is quite the mint chocolate chip ice cream connoisseur, gave it two thumbs up. It is, in one word, delicious.

Usually I avoid samples like the plague when we're out shopping. I just assume that they likely have something in them that I can't eat. In all likelihood I am probably right about 100% of the time. But yesterday they had a TON of sampling going on at Metro Market and these bars caught my eye. I noticed immediately that the sign said Gluten free, soy free and vegan. I asked the sample lady if they were also dairy free. She said there were two that were dairy free. I reiterated, "So they're gluten, soy, and dairy free?" She said that, yes, two of them were. So, after scrutinizing the label some more I gave it a try. (***NOTE: they do contain tree nuts -- almond and coconut, but I wasn't really eating almonds much beforehand so I'm pretty sure that's not what Bubby's allergic to.***) The sample lady said they were developed by local peeps at Bastyr University and they are delicious. And, they have 10 grams of protein in a bar. There some coupons for them so I grabbed a few. I didn't even look how much they were but, at a aw-dropping $2.69 a bar, I'm glad I only grabbed a couple. I am going to go back and get more though because they'll make an excellent evening snack. Zing bars get two BIG thumbs up from me.

My diet was pretty much the usual otherwise so I'll spare you all the details.

Beanie had a great birthday party -- as she was eating her cake she exclaimed, "Best birthday ever!!!" and repeated that phrase many times. I'll elaborate more later.

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