Friday, June 18, 2010

Mommy confessions #3

I haven't been taking a ton of pics of Bubby.

When I think back to the buttloads of pics that I have of Beanie her first few months I feel a bit guilty. At the same time, I realize that Bubby has been colicky & we've really had a rough few months. When he's happy he's usually sleeping, nursing, or in the Moby. When he's sleeping I am too. When he's nursing, it's kinda hard to get a good picture -- although Beanie took a pretty good one herself on my camera the other day. And in the Moby he's often pretty covered up. Now that he's bigger he's a little more visible in there. I need to figure out putting him in there facing forward or try out the Ergo pretty soon. He's pretty content snuggled up against Mama though, and so am I.

But, anyway, I do have that twinge of guilt about him being the second kid and not having as many pictures and all that. Logically, I realize that we've got a long ways to go and hopefully happier, less colicky times ahead where we will get to take loads of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. My health was so messed up that the first month of Gabriel's life is just an empty blur to me :-( I have barely any pics of those first couple weeks... But as things calmed down I've gotten more and more pics and videos! You will too :-)


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